This Garlic Shrimp Stir Fry is one of the easiest meals that is packed with so many delicious veggies and shrimp. Glazed in the most amazing garlic sauce,...
The last step in most of my risottos is to stir in a final ladleful of stock and some Parmesan cheese. This time, I also stirred in some pesto, which enriches...
This easy homemade salsa roja recipe is the ultimate Mexican salsa, perfect for tortillas, tacos and burritos, with tomatoes, jalapeno, lime juice and...
If you love crispy fried chicken, crunchy on the outside and juicy on the inside - this is the real deal right here. With a coating that actually sticks...
This Maple-Soy Glazed Salmon only requires FOUR ingredients and you wouldn't believe how amazing it tastes! I love when I have recipes like this that call...
The Creamiest Cheese Grits Recipe Ever - The best classic southern grits are loaded with cheese and butter for the most incredibly creamy and super cheesy...
Spice up your stew with chorizo and stir in some cannellini beans for a super dinner on a budget. Each serving provides 517 kcal, 30g protein, 45g carbohydrates...
My favorite way to enjoy black beans is straight out of the pot after they've simmered with this simple list of heady aromatics. So easy and truly "supremely...
Bistec encebollado is a traditional Puerto Rican recipe featuring cube steak marinated in a flavor-packed combo of onions, sofrito and vinegar, before...
This one skillet 30 minute dinner will become one of your go to week night meals! Made with quick cooking chicken breasts and store bought canned tomatoes...
These Thai noodles are so easy to make and incredibly flavorful! Tender noodles are tossed with fresh colorful veggies, crunchy peanuts and a rich and...
These make fantastic appetizers before a larger seafood feast, or, if you use big Dungeness crab shells as I do here, a light supper all by itself. You...
Spaghetti and Meatballs is a classic comfort food and pretty much everyone's favorite. A classic dish with delicious and hearty meatballs in a simple flavorful...
Sometimes simple food is the best and this 5 ingredient spaghetti aglio e olio wonderfully combines the flavours of garlic, chilli and fresh parsley to...
Oven Baked Salmon with lip-smacking Honey Ginger Glaze is a quick and easy salmon recipe sure to become a favorite! Made with a few ingredients and in...
Best Bourbon Chicken is juicy, tender chicken thighs cut into pieces simmered in a sweet, brown sugar glaze that will melt in your mouth. Rich in flavor...
This tasty 30 minute skillet chicken in creamy sun dried tomato sauce recipe has bold and rich garlic, parmesan, and herb flavors that will leave you craving...
These Roasted Cornish Hens will be your new favorite recipe for romantic date nights or to impress dinner party guests. They're simple, elegant, and...